Episode 35: What Is Your Secret Sauce? Discovering What Sets You Apart.

What you do is special. In your own special way. This is what sets you apart from everyone else. It’s why you get promotions, get the new job, and have all the clients wanting to work with you. But how do you know what your secret sauce is? It can be hard to figure this out because it’s so often something that we see as basic or obvious - but it’s not to everyone else!

In this episode, I share:

-How important it is to figure out what your secret sauce is

-5 ways for you to discover what sets you apart

-What to do once you recognize what your secret sauce is

-Your role in this as an Upgraded Leader for your team

What is your secret sauce? Email me at nicole@theupgradedleader.com and let me know!

Episode 28: Discover Your Strengths To Upgrade Your Career

Episode 29: Amplify Your Strengths & Manage Your Weaknesses

Full Transcript:

Welcome back to the Upgraded Leader Podcast. I'm your host Nicole Case, and today we are talking about what sets you apart, what's your secret sauce, and just why is that so important to know that about yourself. I've been having a ton of these conversations recently, and so I thought it would be really, really helpful for me to come on and have a whole podcast episode about this exact thing because I've got a lot of private clients right now that are making big moves.

[00:01:30] Um, I had a client who just emailed me today saying she got her big promotion and she got the salary that she was hoping for. Which was super awesome and I'm always super, super excited whenever I get those emails. And I've got, um, I have been recently working with a private company. On some career coaching.

[00:01:48] So unfortunately this company had to do a pretty significant layoff. Um, I'm sure a lot of you can can, can relate to that. A lot of companies unfortunately had to do layoffs this year and they wanted to make sure they were helping those people. They needed to impact, get onto that next opportunity as fast as possible.

[00:02:07] So they brought me in. To do, um, my career coaching, uh, program with, with those individuals. So I've been having, been doing, um, I think I did like four or five workshops with that group. And then I've also been doing a lot of one-on-one coaching with, with these folks. And so these people, um, were notified back in June that they unfortunately, um, were being let go.

[00:02:30] And so we're now, you know, like a month and a half or two months almost since that has happened. And so where they're at now and kind of the job search process is, you know, their LinkedIns are updated, their resumes are updated, all of that's great, but now they're kind of in the grind, right? They're in the grind of just applying to a job, to jobs and interviewing for jobs.

[00:02:51] And so a lot of the people that I've been talking to recently are just kind of like . Really down, they're having a hard time articulating their value. Of course, you know, when you, when you go through a layoff situation, it's such a huge, you know, hit to your, you know, to, to your confidence, right? So a lot of them are just kind of really struggling right now.

[00:03:09] So, of course, it's like the perfect storm. You're already not feeling super great about yourself, and then you're trying to go in and sell yourself in an interview. So it's, it's, it's, it's really not a great situation. But I've been having a lot of conversations about people, about having, you know, about articulating their value and really just working through this very normal self-doubt and imposter syndrome that they're, that they're feeling right now.

[00:03:31] And I can certainly tell you that I'm definitely struggling with this. I struggle with this still all the time. You know, I think I've shared on this podcast before that I just don't believe that the goal is to never have self-doubt or to never experience imposter syndrome or anything like that. I think that's not, that's not really the goal.

[00:03:47] The goal is to recognize when it's happening and kind of understanding what's going on there. So, you know, of course, just like everybody else, I can totally struggle with this. And it's funny because sometimes when like somebody books me or you know, I get a big speaking gig or something like that and I'm like surprised by it, like every time, like I'm, it's kind of nice in some ways 'cause I'm like, oh, this is

[00:04:07] This is so great. You know how nice that they, that they've booked me for this. And you know, my husband always teases me about it because he's just like, Nicole, there is, there is no secret to this. You know, like you're always surprised whenever people book you like, you shouldn't be surprised because you're awesome.

[00:04:24] And he, one of his favorite movies is Kung Fu Panda. And 'cause you know, we're just adult children really. And he. He always says, you know about, there is no secret ingredient in the secret ingredient noodle soup. It's just you. People just like you. They resonate with you, you know? So don't be surprised whenever.

[00:04:43] People book you because people wanna buy from people and book people and engage with people that they like. So, and this isn't like having a popularity contest or anything like that. It's about like, what is it that makes you special? We are all unique. We all bring some, uh, you know, a different flavor or a different perspective to whatever situation, and that is what sets you apart.

[00:05:05] So I've been, again, having a lot of these conversations with . You know, these, these clients who've been, who had just recently gone through layoffs. I've got, um, some clients that are again, going after promotions right now, and sometimes we get really stuck on like, yeah, I just do my job just like everybody else.

[00:05:23] You know, like, you know, my. Everybody you know, does this thing. And I can tell you that they don't. So that's what I wanna talk about today is what is that secret sauce of yours? What is it that sets you apart from everyone else? And again, you might say, well, nothing sets me apart. Everybody does what I do in my job.

[00:05:39] You know, my job's pretty, you know, pretty straightforward. You know, it's just, you know, this task list and you know, we all get it done. And again, it's not true at all. And I know it's really hard to probably answer this. Question, kind of like right off the top of your head, because what makes you special is probably something that's super obvious to you in the sense that it's like, yeah, this is really basic.

[00:06:01] Yeah, everybody does this thing. Like it's obvious. Why wouldn't you do something like this? Remember talking with a woman. You know, she's an account manager and she was getting really tripped over, tripped up over some of these, um, interview questions where they're like, you know, how do you onboard a client?

[00:06:16] And she's just like, like, that's a stupid question. She's like, why would you know, like everybody does this, you know, I do this, this, and this is what everybody does. And I had to remind her that, no, you are super successful in what you do because. You do things differently. You know, again, you might think it's basic, but it's not basic to everyone else.

[00:06:34] And so whenever we were able to shift her thinking with that, immediately landed the interviews, getting to the end of the stage, end stage of a process, and immediately got a 30 K salary increase. And just from like that shift in her mind of like, yeah, what I, what I do day to day. Is actually what sets me apart.

[00:06:54] It comes easily for you. So of course it's gonna feel like, well, duh, this is like super basic, or you know, it's not special because it's easy. It's probably a strength for you. And again, that's probably why it doesn't jump out at you, that it is something special. So, If that said, if you know what makes you special is probably something that's not, you know, coming to the top of your mind, how do you actually figure that out?

[00:07:19] So how do you figure out what your secret sauce is or what sets you apart? I've got some steps here and I would love for you to either journal along with me or journal, you know, journal on this, um, afterwards because I think this is something that's so critical and so important in our careers to make sure that we are, you know, continuing to move into the roles that we wanna move into.

[00:07:40] Whether it's up or out or whatever it is that you, that you wanna do. Let's focus on what is your secret sauce. So the first thing that you can do is just do some reflection on what feedback that you've gotten recently, or what feedback have you gotten in the past where you've been praised for something?

[00:07:58] You know, again, like for me, like when I'm like, oh, I'm super surprised that this person booked me, or I'm surprised that, you know, I got that speaking gig or whatever, and it's like, I shouldn't be surprised. Right. You know, if there's, if there's ever moments when you were like, well, I was surprised by the feedback that I got, or surprised that I was praised for this thing.

[00:08:16] 'cause to me it's like no big deal, right? It's no biggie. That's a clue. , that's a clue that that is something that is special about you. That's a clue that that is part of your secret sauce. The next thing you can do is really just think about what skills do you have? Just literally write them down, like do a brain dump of what your skills are, and I have my clients do this when they do their career stories exercise.

[00:08:42] And it's by far one of like my client's favorite exercise. Like I like give it to them and they're like, eh, I don't know about this. And then when next week they come back and they're like, oh my gosh, best thing ever. You know, this was super illuminating and it was a really great confidence booster. So, you know, I have my clients do this and it always reminds me of the scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where Professor Moody is trying to help Harry figure out how to get past that first challenge.

[00:09:07] And he's like, what skills do you have? And Harry, like, . Draws a blank and he's just like, oh, I don't know. I don't really have any skills. And it's like, well, of course you do. You're freaking Harry Potter. And he's like, well, you know, I can fly. I am a fair flyer. And he forgets that he's the youngest seeker in a century, and he ends up winning that challenge because he used his broom to fly because he is a great flyer.

[00:09:28] But again, he kind of forgot about that, that that was a skill that he could pull on because again, it comes easy and it comes naturally to that, to him. So again, kind of to build upon that, the third thing you can do is to go back and look at your strengths. So go back, listen to episodes 28 and 29, where we talked about strengths.

[00:09:46] I'll link them in the show notes for you. But what you are naturally good at is likely what makes you special. So, What are the things that maybe don't take you very long to do because you're good at them? I am not great at spreadsheets. I'm not great at analyzing numbers and those kinds of things, so it takes me longer to do those things than other people that I know that are like super whizzes at that kind of stuff.

[00:10:11] But, I know I'm really great at speaking and storytelling and connecting with people quickly. Like for me to put together a podcast episode like this does not take me all that long for me to, you know, come up with a story and just, you know, really engage with people and really connect with people.

[00:10:27] Doesn't take me very long to do that. In fact, again, I myself kind of forgot about this and I remember. Last year I was telling my own coach that, you know, we were just kind of going over what had happened in the last couple weeks. And I said, yeah, you know, the other week I, you know, the consulting firm that I work with to do, um, to do some training.

[00:10:47] You know, they called me and, you know, super last minute and said, Hey, you know, we had a cancellation and we need somebody to cover a training next week. A custom training next week. You've never done before. Can you do that? And I was like, yeah, sure. Whatever sounds good. And I did. And I went in and did it.

[00:11:02] And it was great. And my and my coach said, Nicole, stop. We need to back up here a minute because we need to honor the fact that that was a really big deal. And I was like, no. It wasn't like I. Did a little bit of prep work, went in, did my thing, done it over, and she was like, no, no. Something like that for me, first of all is my worst nightmare.

[00:11:20] And secondly, it would take me a really, it would take me hours to prep for something like that, to feel comfortable and actually go in and do a really good job. So she like kind. She was really great in helping ground me and remind me that that's actually a really special thing. That's, that's, Part of my secret sauce is being able to walk into any room, any audience, kinda read the situation, understand what's going on, and launch into a, a value add, talk, training, facilitation, what have you.

[00:11:51] So the fourth thing that you can do to kind of figure out what that secret sauce is for you is just what do you like doing? What are you passionate about? Why do you do what you do? You know, again, I. Like doing this podcast. I like speaking in front of groups. I like talking to people one-on-one. You know about their career, about their life, about just, you know, finding out this exact thing.

[00:12:14] What is their secret sauce? I love figure, helping, helping people in this way. I am passionate about getting women and non-straight, non-white, non-male people into positions of power. And this is how I do it. I use, I . Use my skills and my strengths to help make the world a more equitable and happier place.

[00:12:35] Right? Like what would happen? Like what would the world look like if everybody went to work every day and did work that they absolutely loved and leaned into their strengths and got paid really well for it, and then they went home to their families and were able to be fully present with their families and be happy and satisfied.

[00:12:53] Like what would the world be like? We could all have access and have the opportunity to have a job like that, to get to make an impact in the world. So again, that's what I'm passionate about. This is why I do what I do. And I think that comes out, and again, when I'm on this, when I'm on this show or when I'm doing, doing a keynote talk or when I'm coaching someone one-on-one,

[00:13:17] I think that really comes out and that's what makes me special. Um, the fifth thing that you can do to kind of just figure out what it is that makes you special or what your secret sauce is, is just thinking through your accomplishments in your life, in your career, and how you did those things. So what sets you apart is not what you accomplished.

[00:13:37] But how you do it. So yes, you're, you know, let's look at your resume and you know, what are all of those great accomplishments, but what your resume doesn't always share really . Clearly is how you did it. How did you get that done? That's kind of the trick, right? Whenever, whenever, um, you're applying for jobs or going out for a promotion or something like that, is just trying to articulate, you know, how you actually get those things done.

[00:14:04] So I have a client right now that I've been working with, she's an internal audit, and she's just like, my job is my job. The tasks that we do, everybody does it. It's like it's internal audit, it's . You know, not, there's not a whole lot of creativity there in that sense, right. It's just like, here it is, but

[00:14:21] When we got started to get down into kind of the nitty gritty of, again, what makes her special and what's her secret sauce, she realized she was like, well, you know, I'm able to take really complex and boring information and break it down so that other stakeholders can understand it. Without dumbing it down.

[00:14:40] Right? Like not without, without dumbing it down. So I can take super complex things. I can explain it to other people in a way that they understand, but without also making them feel stupid. Right? She's like, that's, that's, you know, really my secret. That's the secret to my success. And I was just like, nailed it.

[00:14:55] That's amazing.

[00:14:56] So we've really started to hone in on that. As she's out there interviewing, you know, she's really starting to, to talk about that in order for her to set her, set herself, apart from everybody else who's all worked for, you know, the same big four, who've all got the same certifications, right?

[00:15:13] Like she's really, really honing into, you know, this is what is setting me apart from everyone else. So the last thing that you can do to just figure out what that secret sauce is for yourself is just ask someone, ask a mentor, ask a boss, a peer that you work with really closely, a customer. Um, maybe, you know, working with, with a coach can really help.

[00:15:34] Ask them. Just truly just ask them what sets you apart or what do they see as your secret sauce? You know, sometimes, sometimes we, we are just kind of so in our own heads and . So in our own stuff that we can't read the label from inside the jar, and it's helpful for someone else to really share their outside perspective.

[00:15:54] And again, this is something for you to be doing with your own employees if you have a team. So if, if you are a leader, you're an upgraded leader, part of your role is to see those gifts and those strengths in your employees and try to honor those as best you can within the team. Now I know we can't always

[00:16:15] Put people in certain positions or give people tasks that always align to their secret sauce or always align to their strengths and their skills. But that's part of your job as an upgraded leader is to, is really identify those things and share those, share those with your employees, right? Whenever you're giving feedback, you know, to, to be really specific with your feedback in that way, to highlight what it is that you see that sets them apart and what makes them special.

[00:16:41] So again, if we go back, you're trying to figure out what your secret sauce is or what sets you apart first, do some reflection on maybe some of the feedback that you've gotten in the past. What have you been praised for? Think about what those skills that you have that just, you know, things that you're really good at.

[00:16:56] What are your strengths? Again, those things that just come really naturally to you. What are those things that you like doing? What are you passionate about? Think about what your accomplishments are in life, in your career, and how did you actually do those things? How did you actually accomplish those?

[00:17:11] Because the accomplishments are great, but what sets you apart is how you actually got those things done. And then finally ask someone, ask a mentor or boss, peer or customer work with your coach. You know, ask someone what is it that you see Is, is my secret sauce? Or what do you think sets me, sets me apart from everyone else?

[00:17:31] so when you start to see what makes you special and stand out, you can start articulating that when you are talking with your clients or your, or your boss or you're in for an interview and just . Knowing that that's your secret sauce, you can lean into that even more and find even more satisfaction and success in your career.

[00:17:50] So let me know. I'd love to hear from you about what you came up with as your secret sauce. Send me an email at nicole@theupgradedleader.com and let me know what your secret sauce is. I wanna hear all about it. Um, but in the meantime, I will see you back here in two weeks. And don't forget, your career deserves an upgrade.


Episode 36: Managing Your Mental Load & Invisible Tasks. Time Management Tips with Kelly Nolan.


Episode 34: What Is An Upgraded Leader?