5/3/2024 Newsletter: The boundary I created to reach my fitness goals

Hi Friend!

Have you ever struggled to stay consistent with your fitness routine?

I totally get it—I used to dodge cardio days like it was my job. I even mention it in the podcast episode with the head trainer at my gym!

But recently, I hit a major milestone at Burn Bootcamp: my 50th session of the year!

This is a big deal for me because I usually don’t hit this until October.

How did I do it?

Well, I was sick of not seeing the progress I wanted.

Plus I know cardio is good for heart health - especially as a perimenopausal woman. 🥵

So I shifted my mindset around cardio, set some boundaries, and asked for help keeping me accountable.

In my journey, I discovered the power of reshaping my mindset and seeking support from trainers. And guess what? This lesson applies beyond the gym—it's crucial for career success too.

That's why I'm hosting a boundary-setting masterclass today at 12noonET!

Join me as we learn how to identify and implement the boundaries we need to move up at work and be seen as that strategic leader.

Can't make it live? No worries! Sign up anyway to receive the replay!

Let's crush our goals together!

Nicole Case

Nicole’s Favorite Things!

What I’m reading, listening to, wearing, and just overall enjoying right now…what I’d share with you if we were in a group chat together!

📖READING: When The Moon Hatched, by Sarah Parker, holy cow this was so good! This is the first book in a planned series so it sets up a really unique world and characters. I also loved her To Bleed A Crystal Bloom Series. She is turning out to be one of my favorite romantacy authors!

🎧LISTENING: Bossy Podcast - Confessions from a Forbes 30 Under 30 Alumna: Does Forbes 30 Under 30 Actually Help Your Career?, this was a great episode and I think I’ll do a whole newsletter about some of the things they talk about in it.

🫶LOVING: Chamberlain Coffee Original Matcha Green Tea Powder - Japanese Green Tea + Ceremonial Grade Matcha, I’ve been wanting to like Matcha but it always tastes like dirt to me. Not this one! I’ve been making it hot with vanilla oat milk and at touch of honey!

Full Transcript:

So I go to this gym called burn bootcamp and they track how often you come and they make a big deal. When you hit like 50 camps, a hundred camps, 250 camps. And today I hit my 50th camp of the year.. And this is a big deal for me because I mean, there was a woman in my class today who had hit a hundred camps, which means she has not missed a day since the beginning of the year, which is a little bit much for me.

[00:00:28] But anyway, um, typically I've been going to this gym since 2018 and typically I don't hit 50 camps until like October or something like that. And in February, I was like, okay, I'm not hitting my fitness goals. And I know that I am. Actively avoiding, going to cardio days. 'cause I don't like cardio. And, um, Actually I interviewed the head trainer at this gym, Lindsey. I'm on my podcast a couple of months ago.

[00:00:57] So I will drop that. In the show notes and you can hear our conversation about how I don't like cardio anyway. So I don't like cardio, but I was like, okay. I know that cardio is good for me. It's good for my heart. I need to be, especially as a woman, I need to be doing this. So I got individual one-on-ones with each trainer at the gym and like this one week period, and talk to each of them about how. Like, I want to get. Off my bullshit of not coming. On cardio days and just kind of reframe. The whole, like, I only come when I, when I feel like it too.

[00:01:33] I come to the gym every day that I'm available to come to the gym. So basically I needed to create a boundary with myself. About coming to the gym. Um, even on the days that I really don't feel like it, or I don't want to do that protocol. And I was like, I need your help. Just kind of like encouraging me and just being like, Hey Nicole, see you coming to all that good stuff. And this is what they've been doing for the past couple of months, for me, just, you know, when they see me coming in, particularly on a hard cardio day, extra high-fives or like, Hey, I see you coming in here.

[00:02:03] Yeah. Nicole getting in here on hard days, blah. Blah, blah, blah. And it's just been, that support has just really helped so much because like, they're looking for me, they're looking for me to come to the gym. I told them that this was a goal for me, that this is what I wanted to focus on and they are. You know, keeping me honest with that right there.

[00:02:23] Creating space to hold me accountable, allow myself to hold myself accountable. So I realized that this is also true in our careers. Like if we have a goal in our careers or our professional lives that we want to reach. We intellectually know what we probably need to do, or we intellectually like, again, have the ability, have the capability to do these certain things, but.

[00:02:47] And it's easy to tell other people to do things, but it's hard sometimes to just do it ourselves.

[00:02:52] So.

[00:02:54] That's why I think coaching. Like having a coach to just like, be there to, again, hold space to hold accountable, hold you accountable. Or to just create like, just that like focused our time every other week to like, I'm working on this thing. And I want to talk this out with you. And I know in two weeks, whenever I come back, you're going to ask me what my progress on this is.

[00:03:17] So again, just kind of having that thought partner, there is just been so useful. Again, I have two coaches that I work with. I also have a therapist, so I got a lot of people. That I've got supporting me in my, in my goals and my professional life and in my personal life. So I created this masterclass.

[00:03:35] That's happening today. If you're watching this on Friday morning, it's happening today at 12 noon Eastern. Around this idea of boundaries. What are the boundaries that you need to put into place in order to. Reach your goals, presumably that you want to continue to move up and you want to continue to be viewed as that senior strategic leader.

[00:03:55] So I'm having that masterclass today. I'll link to a download so that you can register and pop in and be a part of that. If you're watching this too later, if you're like Nicole, I can't make it. Um, that quickly. No problem. Go ahead and still sign up and then I'll know what email to send the replay to.

[00:04:12] Cause I'll get that sent over later on this afternoon. So hopefully you can make it. Um, to the masterclass today, if not, no worries. I'll send you all me. The replay afterwards. But even if you can't make it. Today. Think about again, what are those boundaries that like, you need to put into place for yourself because you know, like you need to get off your bullshit on some story that you're telling yourself or something that you're probably like resisting that you're like, okay, I need to work on this. And what is that boundary that you need to put into place in order to get to the place that you want to be? Thanks.


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