4/5/2024 Newsletter: Update on the podcast and newsletter

Hi Friend!

Exciting news! I’m Upgrading the newsletter, now hitting your inbox every Friday.

So, what's new? Well, I’m dabbling with a video newsletter—kind of like a mix between Insta stories and podcasts.

Don't worry, though; I’ll still include captions, transcripts, and summaries because, honestly, who has time to sit through videos without captions? Not me, that's for sure!

And I’m going to post them to my website so you can always go back and find them. Again, similar to how the podcast is done.

Oh, and get ready for a new segment called "Nicole's Favorite Things." Think of it as a peek into my world—what I'm reading, listening to, and wearing.

Plus, I'll keep you posted on any workshops or talks I've got in the pipeline, like the upcoming Boundaries Masterclass. Stay tuned for more details on that!

Now, about the podcast... I've decided to take a more relaxed approach. Instead of stressing about hitting a bi-weekly deadline, I'll release episodes whenever inspiration strikes. Life's too short to force creativity, right?

And speaking of your goal or project or task that feels unnecessarily hard…how can you make it easy or more simple?

Check out last week’s podcast episode on 4 Signs It’s Time To Quit Your Goal.

So, grab a coffee (or your beverage of choice) and enjoy this slightly longer, more chatty newsletter. Catch you next week!

Cheers to you!

Nicole Case

Nicole’s Favorite Things!

What I’m reading, listening to, wearing, and just overall enjoying right now…what I’d share with you if we were in a group chat together!

📖READING: A Soul of Ash & Blood, by Jennifer Armentrout. I’m on my smutty romance fantasy journey. If you are also an SJMaas or Fourth Wing girlie - shout it out!

🎧LISTENING: John Williams Radio. Because there is nothing like a Harry Potter or Star Wars film score while you are trying to focus!

🫶LOVING: 40oz Insulated Tumbler: I refuse to pay for a Stanley if there is something else cheaper that is just as good! I use these every day to drink my protein smoothie on my way back from the gym. I just bought two more!

Full Transcript:

Welcome to the new and improved, dare I say upgraded, newsletter. So you'll notice that this is now in your inbox on Fridays and I think that's just maybe a better day for you all to be catching and reading and listening to this type of, type of a thing on a Friday. Um, so you'll see that you'll start seeing these on Fridays now.

I'm also going to be experimenting with these video things. We'll see. Um, my vision for this is for this to be, um, more than an Instagram story, but less than a podcast. And I plan to always provide captions and the transcript and a summary and all those things because I know that I don't ever listen to videos actually.

Um, so if you, if you ever find me on Instagram, like I'm scrolling and if I don't, if you don't have captions, I'm not. listening. I'm not listening to it. Um, so again, if you are in the office or you're somewhere [00:01:00] where you can't turn on the volume, you will always have captions. I'm also always going to provide the, um, the audio in case you just want to listen to it.

Um, and again, chat GPT is going to help me with a fun little summary because we're going to make things easy. Um, Yeah, so I'm really excited. Some other things that you're going to see in this newsletter. Um, I'm going to start doing a section called Nicole's favorite things. Um, fun fact, when I turned 30, several years ago now I had, um, I threw myself a 30th birthday party as one does.

And I had, I called it Nicole's favorite things and had all my favorite food and. Um, desserts, and I, like, named them all after, like, my favorite, like, Star Wars, and Friends, and Harry Potter, and, anyway, it was fun. And it just kind of got me thinking that I want to create just a space for me to share where, like, What I'm reading, what I'm listening to, a podcast I'm listening to, where I got my shoes, you know, just again, thinking like you [00:02:00] and I are just at a coffee shop chatting and this is what we would talk about.

So I'm going to create a little section about that. And of course, just if I'm speaking somewhere, if I've got a workshop coming up, which by the way, I'm working on a boundaries, Masterclass that um, hopefully I can get my shit together and get it and get it scheduled so that you all can join it sometime at the end of April, beginning of May.

I'll, you'll be the first to know I promise. Um, so yeah, so that's what's gonna be in these, in these newsletters. Um, so speaking of the podcast, I recently made a decision about that, which kind of spurred these videos. Um, so I was thinking about. How the podcast has gotten hard for me. It's felt really hard to be honest.

So last week on the podcast, I had an episode called like the four signs. Um, it's time to quit your goal. And that got me thinking about my own goal and my own tasks and [00:03:00] own, um, just kind of workflow with creating the podcast. And I was realizing that it was. really feeling like slogging through mud and I was like not really enjoying it to be honest And I don't want that.

I don't want to be creating in that vibe I don't want to be creating that way because I also I also don't want to be like putting out shitty content and putting out crap into, you know, just creating more, more noise. Cause there's already a lot of noise out there and I don't want to contribute to that.

So, um, I was feeling really guilty about it and was feeling really sad about it. And I had all these stories about how I'm, you know, too flaky and I am not consistent with anything and blah, blah, blah. But really I sat down and was just like, okay, so like, what's going on here? How can I make this easy? How can I make this easier for me?

And I thought about a couple of different things, like maybe not doing video anymore or whatever, but Really what it came down to was like, I feel a lot of pressure to put these podcasts out every single week, every [00:04:00] single, every other week, actually. Cause like it originally was, I was every, every week and it was feeling hard and heavy.

And so I decided to scale back to every other week. And so what I've decided now is that I'm just going to produce an episode when I feel like it, when I feel like, Oh, how about this video that I'm putting in the newsletter? This is feeling a little long. Today's a little long just because. It's the first one so that's why but like all these videos are feeling you know The students are feeling a little long or i'm hearing a lot about this particular topic Maybe this should just be a podcast and i'll do that And actually I have um a really cool interview that i'm trying we're trying to get scheduled right now We're trying to get scheduled.

It's actually with a really well known um, it's um travel She is her and her husband and her dogs are living in England right now. And she is releasing a book this week, actually this week, next week, something like that. And she's kind of embarking on her book tour. So we're trying to like get this interview scheduled, but whenever we get that scheduled and we get it done, we'll release it.

You know, I'm just, I'm [00:05:00] taking the pressure off of being, you know, it has to come out on this Tuesday at this time that was creating her. Unnecessary pressure and you know what it's my podcast and my goal and I can do what I want So that's what i've decided to do. Um, so you'll see that i'll release a podcast episode when I feel like it makes sense, too um So that makes me want to share with you Is there something that you are working on a task a project a goal that you have?

That is feeling like you're slogging through mud and you're just like this is just not You This is just not feeling right or it's feeling really, really hard. It's feeling a lot harder than what it needs to be. It's not to say that we can't or shouldn't work hard because of course, hard work is required.

Effort is required, all that good stuff. But it doesn't have to be so like white knuckling. It doesn't have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn't be that way. You're probably not producing your best stuff if that's how it's feeling. So [00:06:00] ask yourself what task project goal needs to be simplified. What can, what can, um, be done a little bit more simply?

How can you make it easy? That's what I'm asking you today to think about. How can you make it easy? And honestly, like, go back and like, what was the purpose of the goal to begin with? And does that still make sense? So again, for me, the purpose of the podcast was just to put free stuff out there to help people.

And it was getting to be super duper hard. And I'm like, well, I can still do. I can still put free stuff out there to help people. It just, it doesn't have to be every other week. It just doesn't. It doesn't have to be that way. So how could I make that, make that simpler and how can I make that easy? How can you do the same in your life, in your business, with your team?

Is there something your team's working on that you can make a little bit simpler or easy? Like cut the fluff. You don't have time for that shit. You don't have time for fluff. Nobody has time for that. So where can you do that? In your own space. So hope you enjoyed this first, again, a little bit longer [00:07:00] of a mini podcast episode newsletter I hope you enjoyed this and, um, we'll see you back here next week.


4/12/2024 Newsletter: The simple but powerful thing your network can do for you right now