4/12/2024 Newsletter: The simple but powerful thing your network can do for you right now

Hi Friend!

Last night was a blast—was on a panel at the RBF Champagne Bar in Cary with my friends Valencia and Kara, and boy, did we have a great time! 🤩 Two things from the event I just had to share with you:

1) Don't Be a Jerk: It's easy to point fingers at white guys, but let's not forget, women can also be horrible to each other too.

We should all be lifting each other up, not dragging each other down.

How many of you have experienced mean girls or unnecessary competition from another woman at work? That’s the patriarchy trying to distract us so Let's change that narrative and be each others biggest supporters! 🤝

2) Hype Women FTW: Networking is often seen as a means to an end, but it can also be about finding a group of incredible, supportive women. Last night, I left the event feeling like I could conquer the world (and so could every other woman there!).

Just being around all that positive energy was like a shot of espresso. Find your hype squad—they'll cheer you on no matter what you're going through! 💪

Here are the links to the podcasts and books I mentioned.

Bossy podcast

The Revolution of Work, by Anessa Fike

That’s all for now. Have an amazing weekend, and may the hype be with you!

Cheers to you!

Nicole Case

Nicole’s Favorite Things!

What I’m reading, listening to, wearing, and just overall enjoying right now…what I’d share with you if we were in a group chat together!

📖READING: The Revolution of Work: Fuck the Patriarchy and the Workplace it Built, by Anessa Fike. Anessa was on the podcast a few weeks ago and she wrote the book we all said we should write.

🎧LISTENING: Bossy Podcast: How to Secure Funding, Hiring Advice, and Building the Next Big Finance App with Lindsay Dorf.

🫶LOVING: Harney & Sons Birthday Party Tea, Decaf, Sachets Decaffeinated: I drink 1-2 cups of tea a day and this is my go-to afternoon blend! And it’s decaf so you can still sleep.

Full Transcript:

So last night I was speaking on a panel at the RBF Champagne Bar in Cary with my friends Valencia and Kara. Amazing event, had so much fun and two things stood out to me during that event last night and one, I know it's really easy to shit on white men and their treatment of women and other marginalized groups in the workplace.

[00:00:22] I mean, I know it's easy to do that because well, truth, but also, I'd also like to point out that us women can be really, really shitty and really horrible to each other. And I was listening to a podcast yesterday in the afternoon before this event, actually. Um, that podcast is called bossy. I'll link it below.

[00:00:40] Um, one of my favorite podcasts, but they were interviewing a woman on there who was talking about how she was. Trying to get funding for her, um, for her new startup. And she said, all the women told me, no, all the women treated me like shit. And I've had really, really terrible experiences with women in the workplace.

[00:00:58] And I've had really great male mentors and supporters in the workplace. And I'd have to say that that's certainly been true for me. Of course, I've had a lot of really amazing women in my career being, be really supportive, but I've also really seen the shitty side too. So let's not forget that we can be really awful Tories each other.

[00:01:14] So don't do that. Don't be awful towards other women. Support them, pay them, amplify their voices, promote them, and for the love of God, don't see them as competition because that is what the patriarchy is doing. It's trying to make us think that there's only so many spots for us women at the table and that we have to battle against each other, which is just not true.

[00:01:34] So, don't do that. The second thing is just, is this idea of networking and building your network. I know I talk a lot about, um, You know, not waiting until you need something to cultivate your network, which is definitely true. But sometimes we can think of our network as like really transactional as someone who can help us get a job or something like that, or clients or whatever.

[00:01:55] And certainly they can help you do that. And you definitely want to be cultivating your network, you know, well before you need them for those things, but also your network can also just be really great, amazing people that are just supportive. Every day, right? So I was at that event feeling just so loved, supported, you know, pumped up and I was the one speaking and people were just being so awesome.

[00:02:23] And I walked away from that event. With my cup so freaking full like I feel like I can do anything right now that I can just like run through the Run through a wall i'm like Looking at the list of things that I want to accomplish over the next couple of months and I was like, yeah I can fucking do it and blah blah and so can that other woman Who was there last night and all these things and I felt that last night and that At that event, I felt it a couple of weeks ago during Anessa Fikes, um, book signing, which I'll link her book below.

[00:02:51] She was on the podcast a couple of weeks ago. Like just find yourself a group of hype women. That is what your network can do for you. Not whenever you're in a job search, but whenever you're building something, you're going through something. There were women there last night going through divorces.

[00:03:09] There were women going through job changes and building businesses and all kinds of stuff, and we did nothing for them. Except for hype them up. So, find yourself a group of hype women. They're awesome. And be that hype woman for other people. Yay. Happy Friday.


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