4/19/2024 Newsletter: New promotion + bigger responsibilities = panic mode

Hi Friend!

This week, we dive into a conversation I had with one of my clients who just got promoted. Exciting, right?

But here's the twist—she's now in panic mode because she suddenly has all these big strategic projects to handle.

Can you relate?

She's like, "Oh no, what if I mess this up?!" 😱

First things first: If you've ever felt this kind of self-doubt, congratulations!

You're human, not a sociopath.

It's totally normal to feel a bit freaked out when taking on something new.

Remember your first day on the job or the first time you had to manage a big project? You've been through it before, and you crushed it!

Check out this podcast episode on How Failure Builds Confidence

So, how did I help my client? I told her to take a breath and look back at the times she tackled a new challenge like a boss.

Once she recalled her past triumphs and figured out the first few steps (not the 15th step) she’s moving forward.

Confidence doesn't just show up magically; it comes from taking action.

And for more on this journey, join me for my new masterclass, "The Five Boundaries You Must Have to Move Up and Be Seen as an Effective Leader." It's happening on May 3rd at 12noon Eastern, so mark your calendars!

Here are all the details to register if you want to attend live or get the replay.

Thanks for reading, and happy Friday! 🎉

Cheers to you!

Nicole Case

Nicole’s Favorite Things!

What I’m reading, listening to, wearing, and just overall enjoying right now…what I’d share with you if we were in a group chat together!

📖READING: The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control: A Path to Peace and Power, by Katherine Morgan Schafler This book is making me rethink my perfectionist’s tendencies as super powers! Should I host a book club on this???

🎧LISTENING: The Perfectionism Project Podcast: Episode 457: Self-Trust Versus Self-Policing In keeping with the perfectionism theme…this is a regular podcast I listen to and this episode is getting me thinking about how I can trust myself more.

🫶LOVING: 14K Gold Plated Sterling Silver AAA+ Freshwater Cultured Pearl Cat Pearl Pendant: This is the necklace I’m wearing in the video. It’s a cat! And it comes in yellow and rose gold too.

Full Transcript:

So I was talking with a client last week that I've been working with for the past couple of months. And her main goal was to get promoted as a lot of my clients are, and she got the promotion. And then we had our first session after that. And she was like, totally freaking out because now she's scared.

[00:00:18] Cause she's like, Oh shit, I got the promotion I wanted. And now I have all of these. strategic projects and initiatives that I'm now in charge of that I've never been, I've never done this before. I've never been in charge before in this way. And she was freaking out and she was like, I'm scared. I'm like, okay, what are we scared of?

[00:00:39] What's the fear? She's like, what if I'm not good at this? What if I fail? And First of all, I've done all entire, um, entire podcast episodes on this idea of failure. Um, I'll link that below, but this is so common. If you have ever been in a situation where, again, you ever got, you got a promotion, you got a new job, or even if you got just an expanded role or like bigger scope or a new project or whatever, and it's new, you're going to feel a little bit of self doubt imposter syndrome, whatever, whatever, right?

[00:01:13] That's totally normal. By the way, the only people who don't ever feel imposter syndrome are sociopaths, so you're fine. Um, and if you don't feel some level of, uh, I've never done this before, this is a little uncomfortable. Um, all the way to holy shit, I'm freaking out. Like that again is normal. That's just a signal that you're doing something new for the first time.

[00:01:35] And believe me, I can totally feel it. Feel that I don't like being a beginner. I don't like this whole uncomfortableness either believe me I don't like it either, but it's totally normal. Okay, it's alright So how I helped her through it and what I would say to you now as if you're ever feeling this way Just remind yourself of the last time you've done something for the first time like the first time you ever had to you know Hire somebody, you know, you're a manager for the first time you had to hire somebody and that was nerve wracking I Or the first time you had to lead a project that had a huge budget or whatever, you know, anything, anything you've ever had to do new before you've done something new for the first time before we all have, we do it all the time, actually.

[00:02:17] So, you know, just remember back to that time when you've done that before. And how did you handle that? You know, did you Google something? Did you chat GPT something right? Like, what did you do? What were the strategies that you used? to kind of get yourself moving, you know, during that, during that period of time.

[00:02:34] Also, don't be afraid to ask for help. So put a draft plan together or be like, Hey, this is kind of sketch out. Hey, this is what I think, how I should go about doing this. And then share it with somebody, share it with your boss. Or another colleague or another amazing person in your network who maybe has done something like this before and see if you're on the right track.

[00:02:54] Cause sometimes it's just like, it's just that like the uninitial, like, I just got to get moving because I think where my client was in particular, she was panicking down at step 15 when she needed to figure out what the steps one and two were. So. Sometimes you just need to kind of like make sure you're just on the right track and then you can get moving and then you can get your momentum going and that's how the confidence builds.

[00:03:16] The confidence just doesn't arrive the day after your promotion. It doesn't just miraculously appear. Confidence comes from action. So sometimes it's just, I just need to take that first step. I just need to kind of feel good about these first couple steps moving forward and then you'll be fine. So I'm going to be talking more about this idea of um, kind of asking for help and knowing how to do that and a couple of other things in my new masterclass called the five boundaries you must have if you want to move up and to be and be seen as an effective leader.

[00:03:51] And that's going to be 3rd at noon Eastern. So I'm going to put some information down below. Where you can get signed up for that and just know that there's more to come there. Thanks. Happy Friday.


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